0 1.4.1 | Not specified ? | |
1 1.6.1 | Allogenic (living donors) Allo | Products of human origin for the treatment of human individuals different from the one it has been derived from; usage only for non-directed products |
2 1.6.1 | Autologous Auto | Products of human origin for the treatment of the same human individual which it has been derived from. |
3 1.6.1 | Directed (living donors) Dir | Products of human origin for the treatment of distinct human individual different from the donor, but not related with him. |
4 1.6.1 | Allogenic (postmortal donors) Postm | Products of human origin for the treatment of human individuals derived from postmortal donors; usage only for non-directed products |
5 1.6.1 | Related Rel | Products of human origin for the treatment of a distinct patient closely related to the donor |