Eurocode-IBLS Homepage Product Codes Products Plasma

Specifications (about)

Product subclassification (P)No subclassification1
Intended use (K)For intravenous infusion1
Donor/recipient relationship (G)Allogenic (living donors)1
Procedure of donation (H)Various mixed6
Anticoagulant (A)Not specified0
Additive solution (B)None1
System (C)Sterile filtrated3
Storage temperature (E)≤ -18°C3
Cell reduction / depletion / selection (L)Cell-free5
Modifications (M)Large pool based6
Gamma irradiation (N)Not irradiated1
Washing (O)Not washed1
Additional testing / quarantine (Q)No quarantine1
Preparation time (I)Not specified0
Pathogen inactivation (V)SD2
Volume (D)Standard volume1

Product Code History (about)

2009-07-07 Released

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