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How this product code catalogue is organised

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Product code tables

The product code tables provided for each product group are accessible from the catalogue's product group menu and from the top line of each product code data sheet.

The product code tables are available for each product group with different sort orders. Depending on what you intend to do you may choose from various sort orders offered on each code table.

Horizontal window splitting is offered in the topline for several tables and may be useful for different purposes (Example: Horizontally splitted FFP list).



You know the  product number.
You need to know the product properties represented by this number.


Check "Sorted by ascending code numbers" on the product group menu page.
Select the product group from the menu according to the 1st digit (product group digit) of the product number (Example: number-sorted plasma).
Then select the number from the left column.
Problems: If you cannot find the product number as needed please check:
Do you have really the brand new release of this catalogue? Is the number correct you are searching for?
If your problem finding a valid number in the brand new catalogue persist, please contact Eurocode providing details.



You know the properties of a blood product.
You need to know, what product number has been defined for this product.


You may select from two tables with property-sorted products for each product group as offered on the product group menu page:
  • Qualifier columns arranged according to their relevance with respect to transfusion medicine (Example with red cell concentrates). This may be most useful for those experts, who are very familiar with the properties of the product they are searching for.
  • Qualifier columns arranged according to Eurocode specific qualifier IDs (Example with platelet concentrates). This may be most useful for those experts who are very familiar with the qualifier system or who have prepared series of products according to Eurocode's qualifier system.

If having found a property profile equivalent to the one of your product you may get detailed information on the product data sheet linked to the product number in the right-most column.
If you haven't been successfull while using the brand new release of this catalogue and want to label a blood product you are invited to request a new product code.


Data sheets

The data sheets (example) are accessible via the hyperlinks assigned to the code numbers in the product code tables.

Unique product short names (experimental) are synthesised from the abbreviated values of those applicable qualifiers not being standard for this group. The sequence of qualifier values is according to the order assumed to be most relevant for categorising products of the individual product group.

Data sheets show product specifications with full descriptions of the qualifier values. The qualifiers are arranged according to the order assumed to be most relevant for categorising products of the individual product group. The qualifier assumed to be most relevant for characterising the product are displayed first.

The product code history describes any event happened to the product code such as release and withdrawel.

Product code status

The code status is indicated by background colours of the code number cells as follows:


Last substantial changes to this product have been performed earlier than 3 months before release of this catalogue issue. See code history for details.


Last substantial changes to this product have been performed  later than 3 months and earlier than 4 weeks before release of this catalogue issue. See code history for details.


Last substantial changes to this product have been performed later than 4 weeks before release of this catalogue issue. See code history for details.


Not yet released. May be changed or removed.


Fatal product. Eurocode recommends not to produce or apply products having this properties any more. See code history for details.


Cancelled. See code history for details.


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