D.Roos, J.Kardoeus: ISO7064-standardised Check Digits Applied to Blood Bag Numbers release 1.1.1i (draft)

ISO7064-standardised Check Digits Applied to Blood Bag Numbers
Blood product bag numbers
MOD11,10 algorithm
Calculation and validation examples
Coding sample
Hints to users
Hints to developers
References, copyright, disclaimer

Calculation and validation examples

Step by step example

The string "0823" has to be supplemented by a MOD11,10 check digit. It is calculated recursively (2) as follows:

j ( ( an-j+1 + Tj-1 ) ||10 *2 ) |11= Tj
1 0 + 10 = 10 -> 10 *2 = 20 -> 9
carrying over
2 8 + 9 = 17 -> 7 *2 = 14 -> 3
carrying over
3 2 + 3 = 5 -> 5 *2 = 10 -> 10
carrying over
4 3 + 10 = 13 -> 3 *2 = 6 -> 6

From T4=6 using equation (4) the check digit results as (11-T4)|10=5. Concatenation of source string and check digit results in "08235".

If correctness of the string "08235" has to be verified, the same algorithm has to be applied up to the last but one digit ("3"). If the remainder of division from (T4+a1)/10 (from example: (6+5)/10=11/10, remainder =1) equals 1, the string is supposed to be transferred or stored as "correct".

Check digit examples

Check digit calculator
source string check digit validity
When entering numerical strings into the input field "source string", the proper check digit will be calculated.
When entering a numerical digit into the field "check digit" the validity is displayed.

If this check digit calculator does not work as expected, please click here.


Some valid check digit examples Some examples of non detectable errors
source string check digit
0 2
1 9
6 0
9 4
0823 5
276616973212561 5
source string check digit type of error
65 56 0 transposition
732 723 5 transposition
23749 27292 1 multiple substitution
5555 555 1 lost digit

More examples of valid and invalid strings may be requested as ASCII file.

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