Eurocode-IBLS Homepage Board and Committees

Committee for Data Structures


Steffen Göbel University Halle-Wittenberg, Dept.of Medicine
Jens Hiller Universityhospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Joachim Kardoeus University Münster, Dept.of Medicine
Ralf Knels Medizinsches Versorgungszentrum Dresden - Labor Möbius, Quasdorf GbR
Silke Uhlich  Haema AG, Berlin
Thomas Linke Institute for Transfusion Medicine, Suhl
Anette Redecker-Klein German Red Cross BDS NSTOB
Dieter Roos Universityhospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (retired)
Kirstin Stüpmann German Red Cross BDS Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


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